Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It's a Boy!!!


Your mom and I are so happy and proud to welcome you to the world.

You were born at 8pm on July 16, 2008, weighing 8lbs 4oz.

Apgar score 8-9.

Love you son.
Mom and Dad


  1. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what's an apgar score???

  2. He's so cute!!!! What in the world is Apgar?

  3. Awwwwwwwwwww he's so cute. Is the Apgar thing some sort of computer geek thing or something?

  4. YAY!!!!! Welcome to the world Jake. You have so many people that love you already. Great job Ging, your my hero :)

  5. What a beautiful child! Congratulations Ben and Ginger!

  6. Jake is the sweetest looking baby ever! He has lovely skin and precious features. You two must be really tired, but you have both been so calm and focused! Well done! Happy Birthday, baby Jake!

  7. He is gorgeous! His skin is so beautiful -- as if he hadn't even had to go through the birthing process! His face is so sweet - I love those round cheeks and sweet head. Look at those long fingers and fine hands! He has nice square shoulders -- already good posture!

  8. Ginger and Ben,
    You've given Jacob such a gentle and loving welcome to the world! What a beautiful family you three are!
    Love you!

  9. Yay Congrats! I love the pictures! (Apgar is a score that rates the baby's HR, resp, color..)

  10. congratulations! I missed the big moment, at the grocery store....oh well. Isn't the max apgar score like 10 or something? I freak at babies.
    so happy for you guys!

  11. congratulations! I missed the big moment, at the grocery store....oh well. Isn't the max apgar score like 10 or something? I freak at babies.
    so happy for you guys!

  12. congratulations! I missed the big moment, at the grocery store....oh well. Isn't the max apgar score like 10 or something? I freak at babies.
    so happy for you guys!
