Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Well it's a big night for you: you graduate from a bassinet to a crib tonight. You're decked out in your monkey PJs and you are being quite talkative about the whole thing.

So this means that your mom and I trade one kind of sleepless night for another, I bet.

Also, I don't know if Ginger already blogged about it, but the other day you came home after not seeing me for a night, and when you saw me you got a big smile on your face. Probably the 2nd coolest farherhood moment yet. The first was taking you to meet your mom for the first time after getting cleaned up at in the delivery room.



  1. I think you need to start calling him "monkey" like Tori and Dean. It's adorable! I can't wait to see what they call Stella. :)

  2. He was so happy to see his Daddy! (What a precocious kid!)
