Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Big boy


I can't believe how fast you are growing! You are already over 1 month old. It seems like every day you are learning more and like your dad said in the previous post you have started smiling at us which we love!! Last night you slept for almost 6 straight hours in your own room. After you woke up at 6 am I brought you back into our room because it was a little stressful and sad for me that you are already so independent :). It sure was great to get the sleep though.

mom Big boy


  1. Yay - he made it through the night! I can't believe how big he is getting! What a cutie!

  2. Jacob, You are so incredibly sweet in this photo! Do you like sleeping in your little bear onesie next to your little stuffed blue bear? You sure are looking handsome and chubby-cheeked! Peaceful, too!
