Jake -
This week we took a vacation to Newport, RI. Here is a picture of you and your mom walking along the hotel grounds just outside of our hotel room, which had an excellent view. On our second and last night there, the fog rolled in and made it impossible to see any of the three light houses that are otherwise in view of the hotel. We woke too late to get good pictures, but the first thing we saw out of our window this morning were the sailboats moored just 50 yards from our room. Only faintly visible through the lingering fog, they seemed to hover above their mirrored reflections on gray water below. It was quite a striking sight. Your favorite part of the trip was undoubtedly the outdoor saltwater pool at the hotel. Even though it was amazingly cold water, you had a blast "swimming" and splashing with your mom and dad. Being home is bitter-sweet, but we are looking forward to a fun weekend with you!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Newport, RI
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Birthday Weekend
Jacob -
Last weekend marked your second birthday. Your mom and I had so much fun celebrating with you all weekend. We were joined by your "Nana" and aunt Samantha, and lots of friends who came to celebrate with you at your birthday party.
We have many more pictures and videos to post, but I wanted to share these, which Alvin snapped during the birthday party.
Happy Birthday Two Year Old!
A picture from NYC
Jake -
Here is a picture that your "uncle" Jay took when we saw him in New York City a few weeks ago.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Dr. Truitt (#2)
Jake -
Here you are playing with the stethoscope that your cousin Emmy gave you when we visited her in D.C. Paging Dr. Truitt! Dr. Jacob Truitt!
Jacob -
We just concluded a wonderful visit from your grandmother (or Magah, as your cousin Alexis famously referred to her many years ago). You spent tons of time hanging out together during her visit. The two of you planted flowers in the yard, went on long trips to the park, played together at the Children's Museum, read books together, and many other fun activities, including collaborating on a delicious lemon meringue pie. Here is a picture from a walk we took together by a lake in West Hartford. You loved walking by the "wah-wah!"
Monday, May 31, 2010
Eeeemy! Eeeemy!
Jake -
We just got back from a long weekend in Washington, DC. We visited your Aunt Cathy and Buddy Steve, Sam, Kaysie and Emmy (your 2nd cousin), and your Aunt Sandy, in that order of appearance. :) Unfortunately I was a slacker and didn't get any pictures of you with your aunties (or with Sandy's new puppy, "Llama", but you and Emmy were subjected to several photos together. You thought hanging out with Emmy was super fun! After dinner, the two of you ran around screaming with one another in a delighted squeal for several minutes while charging back and forth like crazy people. After calming down some, we went to the toy store together and you happily played with Emmy, shouting "Eeeemy, Eeeemy" any time she got too far away. The visit with Emmy was topped off by running through a sprinkler in the front yard, which Sam and I enjoyed far more than either of you kids. After saying goodbye to the Brown family we met Cathy, Sandy and Steve and enjoyed a lazy day of swimming in the pool at Sandy's place. Sunday night we had dinner with several friends from college who have all ended up in DC, where they have all settled quite contentedly. It was great to see everyone again and enjoy a pleasant summer evening outside with friends. This morning Cathy and Steve shared an early breakfast with us, then we were off to the airport. In true Jacob style you were ecstatic each time you sighted an "AIRPLANE!" and were sad to conclude our travel when we landed.
ps - you really like playing the piano at Cathy's house and were quite talented for a not-yet two-year-old!
Jay in NYC
Jacob -
Well I am way behind on updating your blog because we have had a couple of busy weekends of travel. Last weekend we took the train to New York City to meet Jay and Nicole. You were so excited to take the train and shouted "Choo Choo!" at the top of your lungs many times during the two hour ride to Grand Central Station. Jay took us to a fantastic breakfast place and afterward we met Nicole in Central Park and had a leisurely stroll together before getting back on the train and heading home. This picture of you and Jay was taken not long after you woke up from a nap - unfortunately you slept through our visit to FAO Schwartz (sp?) but you awoke very happy nonetheless.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Yesterday the whole family went on a hike. You were not a fan of being strapped into the backpack, but you had tons of fun exploring the great outdoors. Another great weekend in CT!
- Dad
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Visit from the Kohls
Our wonderful friends Kate and Matt came to visit last weekend and we had such an awesome time! You remembered them right away and wanted Matt to carry you around all weekend. On Sunday we drove in to the city to meet up with Uncle Jim and Kate's cousin Lisa. You had so much fun! We miss you guys!!! I'm sure that your dad will post more pictures soon but here is a sneak peek.
Love, Mom
Monday, April 12, 2010
Absolutely Incredible Kid Day!
Dear Jacob,
We love when we get to watch you delight in the world around you. Your abundant curiosity and enthusiasm are contagious. You make me smile and laugh when you insist on reading five bedtime stories, but you make me read them upside-down. You make your dad smile and laugh when you up and demand to be chased from room to room and tickled before bedtime. You remind us how amazing everything around us is by showing us the world through your eyes each day. We are so thankful to have you in our lives. We love you,
Mom and Dad
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Easter Eggs
Jacob -
Tonight you dyed easter eggs. You took to it as if you had been hiding a chicken in your room and an industrial sized tub of yellow number five and practicing for hours on end.
Goin Bananas
Jake -
Here is a photo of you and your mom at "Goin Bananas" in Austin. They had a warehouse full of inflated slides, obstacle courses and bouncy rooms - you were in heaven.
Jake & Matt
Jake -
Here you are with Matt, whose head has been most unfortunately labatomized by my bad photography.
Austin & San Antonio
Jacob -
Here you are a couple of weeks ago in San Antonio with your friends the Reynolds girls: Emily and Maddie. We had a wonderful time reuniting with lots of friends and family in Austin and San Antonio. While we waited in the airplane to depart Hartford for Texas, you excitedly pointed out to every passenger on the plane the many AIRPLANES! that you were able to spot outside the window. Halfway through the trip to Texas, we stopped to change airplanes and your aunt Cathy joined us for the second leg of the journey. You were very happy to see her and you sat in her lap the entire way to Austin. After getting to Texas, you had a wonderful time hanging out with your Nana, Aunt Cathy and Aunt Samantha. The night we arrived, we met Kate and Matt and had our first of several Cheuy's dinners (excellent TexMex). After several fun-filled days in Austin, your Mom drove you to San Antonio, where the two of you spent the day hanging out at her favorite shopping spots while I caught up with co-workers at Rackspace. The best part of the San Antonio trip was probably the night that we took this picture: we met the Holdens, the Bergers, Reynolds, the Kohls and half of the Shettys at Bigz burgers. The kids ran around and played while the parents caught up - it was a perfect San Antonio evening. More soon,
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Look Out!
Last weekend we took a trip to the Children's Museum here in West Hartford. You really liked seeing the animals on exhibit, particularly the owl and the racoon. One part of the museum has a jeep that the kids can "drive." here is a picture of you driving your mom around. :) Later,
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Boston Science Museum
Dear Jacob -
What a great month it has been! You uncle Jim has been staying with us since Christmas to study for the New York Bar Exam. It has been really great having him here; you have had a blast during his visit. You refer to Jim, alternately, as "dada", and "mama" despite our best efforts to teach you to say "uncle." Last weekend we took a trip to drop Jim off in Boston, where he is going to continue his studies. After saying goodbye to Jim, you, your mom and I then went to the Boston Science Museum. You had a great time checking out the exhibits. Your favorites by far were the dinosaur and train exhibits. I think you are torn between a career in Paleontology or Engineering. I am not counting out a career as an astronaut, however. Each night when your mom or I pick you up from day care, as we walk to the car, you always try to find the moon and point it out to us. You use a very excited yet declarative tone of voice, as if to say "Dad, there is this amazing thing called the moon, and there it is, and I will go there one day." Moon!