Thursday, December 31, 2009


Discovering what Santa left

Opening Christmas Gifts


, originally uploaded by ben.truitt.

Jake -

Christmas has come and gone, leaving only a sonic boom in its wake, having flown by so quickly. We had a delightful several days during which many family members joined us in Hartford to celebrate the Yule-tide. During this time, you became frightfully spoiled by your doting grandmothers, aunts and uncle who were all more than happy to honor your every command. As a sign of the tremendous number of gifts piled under the tree during this time, there still remain several unopened packages as I write this, several days post-manger. Santa brought you a huge playscape, which is currently located in the basement. You've enjoyed shutting your parents out of the playhouse portion, climbing on the climbing wall, and sliding down the slide. One of your other favorite gifts is one that we got for the entire family: Rock Band. You are so smart and observant that you have figured out the steps required to start the game, and you will insist that these steps be carried out so that you can help to play the instruments. You are truly a musical kid. I am not exaggerating here either. Last night, you brought me the remote control and the xbox controller and in your loudest and least compromising tones demanded that I launch the Rock Band game. As I type, your are busy watching a youtube video of your cousin Emmeline, who is playing a keyboard and singing into a microphone. The world awaits the debut of the Jacob and Emmeline band! We'll post some xmas videos soon. Love,
Mom & Dad

Monday, December 14, 2009

Piano In Denver

, originally uploaded by ben.truitt.

Dear Jacob -

As an early Christmas present to your devoted audience, I thought I'd blog again after a long hiatus. To catch you up, we took a trip several weeks ago to visit your Magah in Denver. You loved getting to see her and many other family members, and especially loved playing with your cousins.

Here is a photo of you with Magah playing piano. Which reminds me: at a recent parent-teacher conference, I learned that you are among the most musically talented of your peers and that you love to play the musical instruments at school.

Although I don't have a photo to share with you of the other recent noteworthy item, your cousin Margaret (second cousin, actually) visited recently and you had a great time playing and hanging out with her! We had to ask her to leave though after she beat your mom and I in Settlers of Catan one too many times.

Well, your puppy is whining to me to go play with him, so I'll talk to you again soon.