Thursday, August 27, 2009

New Videos


You are really turning in to a toddler!  You are learning to walk and feed yourself.  Today when I went to pick you up from school you walked right over to me!  You are more advanced each day.  Here are some videos I took with my new camera from earlier this week.

I love you!

Friday, August 14, 2009

First Haircut


Your dad has been asking me to cut your hair for a while now.  I always loved your curls but after one too many "she" comments I finally caved.  I think your new cut is incredibly handsome but you don't look like a baby anymore which is kind of sad.  
Love you big kid!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cape Cod

, originally uploaded by ben.truitt.

Jacob -

We just got back from a vacation to Cape Cod with your mom,
Dad and aunt Sandy. You thought the beach was alright, but you loved being at the pool! When we got home this evening, we went to sushi, where you demonstrated your latest trick: shaking your head no when you don't want to eat something. Turns out you aren't a huge fan Asian food lately. Well, off to play Settlers of Catan. Later!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

NYC with Jim and Jay

, originally uploaded by ben.truitt.

Jake -

A couple of weeks ago now we took a trip with your mom to New York City (New York City?!?) to see your uncle Jim and honorary uncle Jay. Click on the picture above to see the rest of the photos from that trip. Today we're packing up the car for a trip to Cape Cod. More pictures soon of that trip!
