Saturday, October 25, 2008


dancing, originally uploaded by ben.truitt.


content, originally uploaded by ben.truitt.

bruce robinson concert

bruce robinson concert, originally uploaded by ben.truitt.

Tonight we're sitting on a porch in austin underneath live oaks listening to some great Texas music. Your mom and dad are enjoying a dos xx while you sit on my lap and hold my finger with your hand. All is right in the world tonight.

Friday, October 24, 2008


reunion, originally uploaded by ben.truitt.

tonight you were reunited with all of your aunts and your Nana. You are being read to, serenaded, and held to your heart's content.


2008-10-24, originally uploaded by ben.truitt.

As goes kindergarten, so goes the votership of Texas, unfortunately for Obama.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


2008-10-22, originally uploaded by ben.truitt.

Early voter

voter, originally uploaded by ben.truitt.

Welcome to Democracy! You had your first voting experience today. At least 1 other Democrat was in line to vote. She said she hoped you won't be stuck with "no child left behind."

Sunday, October 19, 2008


B67337E0-3F51-4387-B721-1549A96A8C85.jpg Jacob -
You and I just finished watching Redbelt, the 2008 David Mamet film. What a great film!
We wrote a review together - you liked it at least as much as I did.
Now we're going to start some laundry, do some dishes, and take the dogs to the lake so that they can get some exercise.
Later dude,

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Emily's birthday party

DSC_0025.JPG, originally uploaded by ben.truitt.

Today we went to the Reynolds' house for Emily's birthday party. The weather was great and we had a great visit. You are quickly catching up to Maddy in size, even though she is twice your age. After the party we went to pick up a pumpkin to carve. We didn't get around to carving it just yet, so watch for a post soon about that, then Halloween will be here in no time! We're down to our last week before we head to Austin for a month so that your mom can do a rotation there. Exciting times! Love,

Sunday, October 12, 2008

excited about technology

excited about technology, originally uploaded by ben.truitt.

This weekend you started to watch tv, movie, and computer screens. Before Friday you ignored almost every screen you were around. But then Saturday we took you with us to see "nick and norah's infinite playlist", and you watched almost the whole movie. Then today you watched a documentary with me about photojournalism in war torn regions. As we speak you are watching your mom go through photos on her computer. Something tells me you might grow up to be a photographer or cenimatographer. That's all for now. Love,

Like father like son


You and your dad are both pretty cool in your shades.

MomLike father like son